On this page you will find weekly updates about what the children are learning in literacy, maths and phonics so you can offer support at home. Our termly curriculum maps provide an outline of what the children will learn across all subjects. More detailed information for a particular subject can be found in the curriculum area of the website.
Our PE days this term will be Wednesday and Thursday. Please make sure all your child’s clothes are clearly named.
Please use Numbots regularly to improve maths fluency - if you need a new copy of your log in please speak to Miss Mills. The top three children who have either played for the most minutes, earnt the most coins, or answered the most number of question correctly will receive a certificate on Friday.
White Rose one minute maths app is also fantastic and free to download and use to improve maths fluency.
Please keep remembering to read with your child at least 5 times a week so that Orlando the owl will hopefully come and visit us! Children will be heard at least once a week in a guided reading group with Miss Mills.
In Turtles this week:
Week Beginning 10th February
This week we will be continuing to look at Phase 5a Mastery which looks at revisiting alternative spellings for previously learnt phonemes.
These include:
- u_e (include, flute, June)
- u_e (volume, mute, dispute)
- ing, ed, er (jumpung, jumped, jumper) - YR1 National Curriculum requirement
- s, es, un (thanks, catches, unfair) - YR1 National Curriculum requirement
We will be revisiting the common exception words:
- asked
- there
- were
In maths this week we will be:
- Representing 'first, then, now' stories with subtraction equations.
- Revisiting the equality and inequality symbols ( < > = ).
- Revisiting making the numbers 6-10 using the 5 and a bit structure.
Mastering Number
This week’s activities will provide the children with an opportunity to further explore the composition of numbers within 10, identifying whether even numbers can be composed of parts that are odd/even, and whether odd numbers can be composed of parts that are odd/even. By discussing the spatial patterns of odd and even numbers, and making the connection with the ‘odd blocks’ and ‘even tops’ shown by the Numberblocks, the children can begin to make the generalisation that even numbers can be composed of 2 odd parts OR 2 even parts, and that odd numbers can be composed of an even part and an odd part (when there are 2 parts). The activities will also provide an opportunity for the children to develop their conceptual subitising and spatial reasoning skills, as they identify odd/even numbers within other numbers, presented in different positions, both horizontally and vertically. To explore the composition of odd and even numbers, the sessions look at the numbers 7, 9 and 10 in depth.
In literacy this week we are focusing on the story 'The Smartest Giant in Town' by Julia Donaldson.
We have adopted the Drawing club approach to writing where children can develop their imagination, curiosity and writing skills in the classroom.
Week Beginning 3rd February
This week we will be starting to look at Phase 5a Mastery which looks at revisiting alternative spellings for previously learnt phonemes.
These include:
- a_e (shake, amaze, shape)
- e_e (swede, extreme, delete)
- i_e (survive, invite, beehive)
- o_e (spoke, trombone, envelope)
- ve (have, live, curve) - YR1 National Curriculum requirement
We will be revisiting the common exception words:
- called
- some
- come
In maths this week we will be:
- Making addition and subtraction stories and writing equations to match these.
- Representing 'first, then, now' stories with addition equations.
- Representing 'first, then, now' stories with subtraction equations.
Mastering Number
This week the children will explore the composition of 9, building on their knowledge that 9 is 1 more than 8, and can be composed of 5 and 4. They will see that 9 can be composed as a ‘square shape’ and use this information to explore the patterns that can be made in a 3-by-3 grid, in order to identify the parts ‘inside’ 9. They will create their own arrangements of 9, describing them using spatial language; this will support them to create strong visual images of 9 and help them to develop fluency with bonds of 9. The children will also consider 9 in relation to 10, seeing that on the rekenrek they only need to leave 1 bead ‘behind’ to make 9. The sessions also provide an opportunity for the children to practise their conceptual subitising skills; identifying numbers within 9 in a variety of arrangements will help to develop their fluency with this skill, e.g. identifying that 5 yellow counters are shown even when they are not in a familiar arrangement.
In literacy this week we are focusing on the story 'Mr Benn: Zookeeper'.
We have adopted the Drawing club approach to writing where children can develop their imagination, curiosity and writing skills in the classroom.
Week Beginning 27th January
This week we will be starting to look at Phase 5a Mastery which looks at revisiting alternative spellings for previously learnt phonemes.
These include:
- ew (fewer, nephew, news)
- oe (toes, tiptoe, dominoes)
- au (launch, haunt, applaud)
- ey (alley, donkey, chimney)
- tch (catch, match, stitch) - YR1 National Curriculum requirement
We will be revisiting the common exception words:
- looked
- called
- like
In maths this week we will be:
- Finding the missing addend in an equation.
- Adding three parts to find the value of the whole.
- Partitioning a whole into two parts and expressing this with a subtraction equation.
- Making addition and subtraction stories and writing equations to match these.
Mastering Number
This week the children will explore the composition of 7, beginning by recapping that 7 is 1 more than 6, and it can be composed of 5 and 2. The representations used this week – the rekenrek, the Hungarian number pattern and the children’s fingers – will draw attention to all the different ways of composing 7. The children will use the language of ‘how many more to make 7’ and link this to missing parts when the ‘whole’ is 7. The children will also solve picture problems that involve finding the missing part when 7 is a whole. Attention will be drawn to the commutative property of addition as the children identify that both ‘5 and 2’, and ‘2 and 5’, are bonds of 7. The children will also be given opportunities to work systematically when finding all the bonds of 7, and to begin to identify that odd numbers are composed of 1 odd part and 1 even part.
In literacy this week we are focusing on the story 'The Giant Jam Sandwich'.
We have adopted the Drawing club approach to writing where children can develop their imagination, curiosity and writing skills in the classroom.
Week Beginning 20th January
This week we will be starting to look at Phase 5a Mastery which looks at revisiting alternative spellings for previously learnt phonemes.
These include:
- aw (straw, crawl, squawk)
- wh (wheat, whisper, wheels)
- ph (phonics, alphabet, phone)
- ew (chew, outgrew, threw)
We will be revisiting the common exception words:
- Mr
- Mrs
- have
In maths this week we will be:
- Explaining that the = sign can be used to show that the whole and the sum of the parts are equal.
- Adding parts to find the value of the whole and write the matching equations using part part whole models and bar models.
Mastering Number
This week’s activities will provide opportunities for the children to consolidate and build on their understanding of the ordinal aspect of number. The children will revisit the ‘staircase’ pattern introduced by the Numberblocks and recap how these numbers are ordered from 1 to 10 on the number track. The children will compare the number track to a number line and observe that each number on a number line is represented by a specific point on the line, labelled with the number directly beneath it, and NOT by the space between the marks as on a track. The children will be encouraged to notice that the marks on a number line are equally spaced, and to explain the relationship between adjacent numbers in terms of ‘1 more than’ and ‘1 less than’. They will discuss ways of naming zero/0: it can be called ‘nought’, which describes an empty set, but on a number line it is called ‘zero’ and is the number that sits before 1. The children will also see the similarities between a number line and a ruler, identifying that they both have 0 at the start as well as equal-sized spaces between the marks. This week’s tasks will provide the children with practice identifying and placing numbers to 10 on marked and unmarked lines, and also with demonstrating their understanding of the position of numbers on the number line in order to estimate the length of objects, using the ‘anchors’ of 0, 5 and 10 to support them. The children will be encouraged to mentally visualise a number line, with consecutive whole numbers equally spaced along it, and to link this to their knowledge of the position of numbers within 10 and relative to 5 and 10, as shown on the rekenrek.
In literacy this week we are focusing on the story 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'.
We have adopted the Drawing club approach to writing where children can develop their imagination, curiosity and writing skills in the classroom.
Week Beginning 13th January
This week we will be starting to look at Phase 5a Mastery which looks at revisiting alternative spellings for previously learnt phonemes.
These include:
- oy (annoy, enjoy, toys)
- ir (thirst, shirt, thirteen)
- ue (blue, glued, clues)
- ue (argue, rescue, values)
- ph (phonics, alphabet, morph)
We will be revisiting the common exception words:
- people
- said
- so
In maths this week we will be:
- Combining two or more parts to make a whole.
- Explaining that addends can be represented in any order. This is called the commutative law.
- Explaining that the = sign can be used to show that the whole and the sum of the parts are equal.
Mastering Number
As 10 is the basis of our number system, it is essential that children develop sound number sense of the ‘ten-ness of 10’ as well as being fluent in bonds of 10. In the first session this week, the children will explore patterns that can be made by 10, in order to develop their number sense, and will have the opportunity to hear 10 being described using the language of, e.g., ‘ten 1s, one 10, two 5s, five 2s’. The other activities provide the children with an opportunity to explore the composition of 10 by using and making connections between a range of representations. These include their fingers (using a ‘fingers up, fingers down’ action to show a pair of numbers that make 10), 10-frames (both when the spaces in the frame are filled with 2 different colours of counter and also when some spaces are left empty), and rekenreks (first using 1 and then 2 rows).
The children will also reason about the pairs of numbers that make 10, and the activities and discussions included will help them begin to develop an understanding that the composition of 10 is related both to bonds of 5 and the ‘5 and a bit’ structure. For example, if the rekenrek shows 7 beads as 5 red and 2 white, then 3 more must be needed to make 10 because 3 white beads are needed to make 2 complete 5s.
In literacy this week we are focusing on the story 'Not Now Bernard' by David McKee.
We have adopted the Drawing club approach to writing where children can develop their imagination, curiosity and writing skills in the classroom.
Week Beginning 6th January
Welcome back! We hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
This week we will be starting to look at Phase 5a Mastery which looks at revisiting alternative spellings for previously learnt phonemes.
These include:
- ay (play, crayon, Sunday)
- ou (sound, round, mouth)
- ie (cried, flies, tries)
- ea (stream, clean, peach)
- nk (think, pink, blinking) - YR1 National Curriculum requirement
We will be revisiting the common exception words:
- oh
- their
We will also be recapped the days of the week.
In maths this week we will be:
- Explaining how odd and even numbers can be partitioned.
- Partitioning numbers 6 to 10 in different ways, including systematically.
- Identifying a missing part when the whole is partitioned into two parts.
Mastering Number
This week, the children will explore the composition of 8, relating this to their previous work on 8 as ‘5 and a bit’ and as an even number composed of 2s. This will deepen their understanding of the composition of 8, which will improve their fluency with bonds of 8. The representations used this week – an 8-grid linked to the Numberblocks, rekenreks, the Hungarian number pattern and their fingers – will draw attention to the different ways of composing 8. The children will use the language of ‘how many more to make 8’ and link this to missing parts when the ‘whole’ is 8. The children will also solve picture problems that involve finding the missing part when 8 is a whole.
In literacy this week we are focusing on the story 'The Magic Porridge Pot'.
We have adopted the Drawing club approach to writing where children can develop their imagination, curiosity and writing skills in the classroom.
Week Beginning 16th December
On Monday we will be at the pantomime.
Wednesday we will be having a DT day making moon buggy's.
This week we will also be completing Christmas crafts and activities.
A fun final week of term!
Week Beginning 9th December
On Tuesday we have our nativity performances of 'A Miracle in Town'! Please make sure you have collected your tickets from the office
This week we will be continuing to look at Phase 5a revision which looks at learning alternative spellings for previously learnt phonemes.
These include the split digraphs:
- u-e (rude, June, flute)
- u-e (use, amuse, volume)
As well as recapping all of the phonemes we have now learnt in phase 5a!
We will be learning the common exception word:
- asked
We will be revisiting the common exception words:
- were
- there
In maths this week we will be:
- Recapping the five and a bit structure to make the numbers 6 to 10 using part part whole models, bar models and tens frames.
Mastering Number
This week the children will be exploring the composition of 6. They will be exposed to different common representations of 6 and create their own arrangements of 6, describing them using spatial language. They will explore how 6 can be composed of different parts and identify the parts within 6 in different arrangements including an arrangement that does not show 6.
In literacy this week and last week we are focusing on the story 'Penguin' by Polly Dunbar.
We have adopted the Drawing club approach to writing where children can develop their imagination, curiosity and writing skills in the classroom.
Week Beginning 2nd December
This week we will be continuing to look at Phase 5a revision which looks at learning alternative spellings for previously learnt phonemes.
These include the split digraphs:
- a-e (made, shake, game)
- e-e (theme, athlete, complete)
- i-e (kite, shine, time)
- o-e (hope, note, home)
We will be revisiting the common exception words:
- called
- some
- come
In maths this week we will be:
- Recapping using the equality and inequality symbols to compare amounts (< > =)
Mastering Number
This week the children will be consolidating their understanding of odd and even numbers. The focus will be the concept that even numbers are composed of 2's, and that odd numbers are composed of 2's and 1 more - flat tops and odd blocks.
In literacy this week and next week we are focusing on the story 'Penguin' by Polly Dunbar.
We have adopted the Drawing club approach to writing where children can develop their imagination, curiosity and writing skills in the classroom.
We will also be completing Reading Assessments this week.
We are also continuing to regularly rehearse for the Christmas Performance of 'A Miracle In Town'.
Week Beginning 25th November
Wednesday 27th - Christmas Fair 2-4pm - children can be collected from classrooms at 1:45pm
Friday 29th - After school disco sessions
This week we will be continuing to look at Phase 5a revision which looks at learning alternative spellings for previously learnt phonemes.
These include:
- ew (few, nephew, stew)
- oe (toes, dominoes, Joe)
- au (haunt, launch, applaud)
- ey (key, donkey, chimney)
- /zh/ (division, television, version)
We will be learning the common exception words:
- looked
- called
In maths this week we will be:
- Explaining where 6, 7, 8 and 9 lie on a number line.
- Explaining what odd and even numbers are and the difference between them.
Mastering Number
This week the children will be consolidating their understanding of doubles. They will be practicing making and recalling doubles up to double 5. They will be asked to identify whether two sets of objects have an equal number or not.
In literacy we are focusing on the story 'The Hairy Toe' by Daniel Postgate.
We have adopted the Drawing club approach to writing where children can develop their imagination, curiosity and writing skills in the classroom.
We are also continuing to regularly rehearse for the Christmas Performance of 'A Miracle In Town'.
Week Beginning 18th November
Friday 22nd - Non Uniform day (Bring a donation for the Christmas Fair)
This week we will be continuing to look at Phase 5a revision which looks at learning alternative spellings for previously learnt phonemes.
These include:
- aw (saw, paw, claw)
- wh (when, wheel, which)
- ph (phonics, elephant, dolphin)
- ew (blew, grew, threw)
We will be learning the common exception words:
- Mr
- Mrs
In maths this week we will be:
- Identifying the whole and parts of the numbers 6 to 10 using the five and a bit structure.
- Exploring the numbers 6 to 10 using tens frames, the part whole model and the five and a bit structure.
- Recapping our 3D shape knowledge including their properties.
Mastering Number
This week the children will be exploring representations of the ordinal aspect of number through a 'staircase' pattern made with Numberblocks, using towers of cubes, and using a number track to deepen their understanding of ordinality. Children need to understanding that the order of the counting numbers is 'fixed' or 'stable' and can be use to help identify the numbers which are '1 more' and '1 less' than a given number.
In literacy we are focusing on the story 'A Little Bit Brave' by Nicola Kinnear.
We have adopted the Drawing club approach to writing where children can develop their imagination, curiosity and writing skills in the classroom.
We are also continuing to regularly rehearse for the Christmas Performance of 'A Miracle In Town'.
Week Beginning 11th November
Friday 15th - Non Uniform day (Children in Need)
This week we will be continuing to look at Phase 5a revision which looks at learning alternative spellings for previously learnt phonemes.
These include:
- oy (oyster, boy, toy)
- ir (bird, girl, skirt)
- ue (glue, blue, true)
- ue (cue, value, argue)
We will be learning the common exception word:
- people
In maths this week we will be:
- Counting objects and matching the correct numerals and number names.
- Representing numbers 6-10 using the 5 and a bit structure.
Mastering Number
This week, the children will be comparing quantities up to 10 in different contexts, recognising when one quantity is greater than, less than or the same as the other.
In literacy we are focusing on the animation 'Captain Pugwash - Monster Ahoy'
We have adopted the Drawing club approach to writing where children can develop their imagination, curiosity and writing skills in the classroom.
We are also starting to regularly rehearse for the Christmas Performance of 'A Miracle In Town'.
Week Beginning 4th November
This week we will be starting to look at Phase 5a revision which looks at learning alternative spellings for previously learnt phonemes.
These include:
- ay (play, Sunday, crayon)
- ou (out, loud, shout)
- ie (pie, tie, lied)
- ea (meal, cream, least)
We will be learning the common exception words:
- oh
- their
We will also be learning the days of the week!
In maths we are looking at:
- Exploring, discussing and comparing 3D shapes.
- Identifying 2D shapes within 3D shapes.
- Recapping one more and one less than a given number.
Mastering Number
This week, the children will continue to explore how the numbers 6, 7, 8 and 9 can all be composed of two parts where 5 is one of the parts, and continue to use the language of 'whole' and 'part'.
In literacy we are focusing on the book 'Tiddler' by Julia Donaldson.
We have adopted the Drawing club approach to writing where children can develop their imagination, curiosity and writing skills in the classroom.
Week Beginning 14th October
Friday 18th is INSET day
This week we will be continuing Phase 4 revision which looks at adjacent consonants and some Year 1 National Curriculum requirements.
Reading words with the contraction ('re) include:
- we're, they're, you're
Reading words with the contraction ('d) include:
- he'd, I'd, they'd, we'd, she'd
We will also be recapping our existing phonics knowledge ready to start Phase 5a after half term!
In maths we are looking at:
- Investigating tetromino arrangements (four squares joined together at the sides).
- Investigating pentomino arrangements (five squares joined together at the sides).
- Investigating ways that four and five cubes can be composed into different 3D models.
Mastering Number
This week, the children will explore how the numbers 6, 7, 8 and 9 can all be composed of two parts where 5 is one of the parts, and continue to use the language of 'whole' and 'part'.
In literacy we are focusing on the video clip 'The Trapdoor: Breakfast'.
We have adopted the Drawing club approach to writing where children can develop their imagination, curiosity and writing skills in the classroom.
Week Beginning 7th October
Friday 11th is non-uniform day - wear something blue for Weston Hospice
This week we will be continuing Phase 4 revision which looks at adjacent consonants and some Year 1 National Curriculum requirements.
Words that add the prefix 'un' include:
- unfit, unclear, unfinished, uncooked (adjectives)
Words that add the prefix 'un' include:
- unhelpful, unafraid, unexpected, unwell (adjectives)
Reading words with the contraction ('ll) include:
- I'll, they'll, she'll, you'll
Reading words with the contraction (n't) include:
- hadn't, aren't, wasn't, didn't
In maths we are looking at:
- Composing pattern block images.
- Copy, extend and develop repeating and radiating pattern block patterns.
- Compose tangram images.
In literacy we are focusing on the book 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea' by Judith Kerr.
We have adopted the Drawing club approach to writing where children can develop their imagination, curiosity and writing skills in the classroom.
Week Beginning 30th September
This week we will be continuing Phase 4 revision which looks at adjacent consonants and some Year 1 National Curriculum requirements.
Words that add the suffix 'est' include:
- highest, sharpest, smartest, lightest (adjectives)
Words that add the prefix 'un' include:
- unzip, unpack, unwell, unlock (verbs)
In maths we are looking at:
- Partitioning numbers one to five in different ways.
- Partitioning numbers one to five in a systematic way.
- Partitioning number using a bar model.
- Exploring 2D shapes.
In literacy we will be:
- Writing about our favourite part from the theatre production.
- On Thursday its National Poetry day so we will spend time exploring poetry.
- Exploring decoding sentences including known GPCs and completing activities based on these.
Week Beginning 23rd September
This week we will be continuing Phase 4 revision which looks at adjacent consonants and some Year 1 National Curriculum requirements.
Words that add the suffix 'er' include:
- hunter, cooker, painter, waiter (changing a verb to a noun)
Words that add the suffix 'er' include:
- fresher, smoother, smarter, shorter (adjectives)
Words that add the suffix 'er' include:
- tighter, thicker, sharper, sweeter (adjectives)
Words that add the suffix 'est' include:
- highest, sharpest, smartest, lightest (adjectives)
In maths we are looking at:
- Explaining that numbers can represent how many objects there in a set.
- Explaining that ordinal numbers show a position and not a set of objects.
- Partitioning numbers one to five in different ways.
- Partitioning numbers one to five in a systematic way.
- Finding a missing part when one part and the whole is known.
- Showing one more and one less than a number using representations. Pupils describe this accurately.
In literacy we are focusing on the book 'Hansel and Gretel'.
We have adopted the Drawing club approach to writing where children can develop their imagination, curiosity and writing skills in the classroom.
Week Beginning 16th September
This week we will be continuing Phase 4 revision which looks at adjacent consonants and some Year 1 National Curriculum requirements.
Words that add the suffix 'ing' include:
- wishing, helping, fighting, dashing (verbs)
Words that add the suffix 'ed' include:
- helped, melted, twisted, picked (verbs)
Words that add the suffix 'er' include:
- singer, helper, toaster, painter (changing a verb to a noun)
In maths we are looking at:
- Using the equality and inequality symbols ( < less than, > more than, = equal to) to compare.
- Explaining that a whole can be split into parts.
- Explaining that a whole can represent a group of objects.
- Identifying part of a whole group.
- Explaining what a part whole model is.
- Using a part whole model to represent a whole partitioned into two or more parts.
In literacy we are focusing on the book 'We're going on a bear hunt' by Michael Rosen.
We have adopted the Drawing club approach to writing where children can develop their imagination, curiosity and writing skills in the classroom.
Week Beginning 9th September
This week we will be continuing Phase 4 revision which looks at adjacent consonants and some Year 1 National Curriculum requirements.
Words that add the plural 'es' include:
- hisses, buzzes, mixes, coaches
Words that add the suffix 'ing' include:
- hearing, floating, sleeping, bleeping (verbs)
In maths we are looking at:
- Comparing items using length, height and distance.
- Comparing items using weight/mass and volume and capacity.
- Counting and comparing a set of objects.
In literacy we are focusing on the book 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers.
We have adopted the Drawing club approach to writing where children can develop their imagination, curiosity and writing skills in the classroom.
Week Beginning 2nd September
We will be welcoming the children back to school after the summer break and giving them the opportunity to explore their new classroom and outdoor environment. The provision looks different to move up day, so it is important that we give them time to find out where everything is, how to use the spaces effectively to have rich learning experiences, and now to ensure areas are left ready for other children to enjoy.
This week we will be starting Phase 4 revision which looks at adjacent consonants and some Year 1 National Curriculum requirements.
Words that add the plural 's' include:
- chimps, books, skunks, flowers (nouns)
- thinks, drinks, paints, sees (verbs)
Words that add the plural 'es' include:
- brushes, foxes, dishes, dresses
In maths we are looking at:
- Counting and writing numerals to 10.
- Challenging ourselves to count and write numerals to 20.
- Exploring counting games and activities.
In literacy we are looking at:
- Sharing our summer holiday news through pictures, words, phrases and simple sentences.
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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