Welcome to Pelican Class!
On this page you will find weekly updates about what the children are learning in literacy, maths and phonics so you can support at home. Our termly curriculum maps provide an outline of what the children will learn across all subjects. More detailed information for a particular subject can be found in the curriculum area of the website.
Our PE days this term will be Wednesday (Swimming) and Friday. Please make sure all your child’s clothes are clearly named. Our PE days this term will be Wednesday and Thursday. Please make sure all your child’s clothes are clearly named.
Please use Numbots regularly to improve maths fluency - log ins can be found inside their reading record. The top three children who have either played for the most minutes, earnt the most coins, or answered the most number of question correctly will receive a certificate on Friday.
White Rose one minute maths app is also fantastic and free to download and use to improve maths fluency.
Please keep remembering to read with your child at least 5 times a week so that Orlando the owl will hopefully come and visit us!
Week Beginning 9th December
This week we will be revisiting any gaps in phoneme knowledge that the children may have.
In maths we will be continuing column subtraction and completing our termly assessment.
In literacy we will be looking at answering comprehension questions.
Swimming has now finished for Year 2.
Every week, your child will read at least twice in a guided reading sessions. Home reading diaries will not be stamped on these occasions. Lots of reading certificates handed out this week, please continue supporting your child at home with their reading.
Christingle Date - Tuesday 17th December St Andrews Church 5.15pm arrival.
Numbot Champion w/e 6th December
Ist Oakley
2nd Noah
3rd Kayvon
Week Beginning 2nd December
This week we will use our knowledge of phonemes to look at spelling rules for 'oa' (toe & bone), (y) oo' (cue, tune & stew), 'oo' (clue, June & blew), 'sh' (lstation, special, sugar and chef) and the graphemes that represent these.
In maths we will be continuing column addition with adding two digit numbers to another two digit number and begin to look at subtraction.
In literacy we will be writing a recount of our swimming lessons and look at how we answer comprehension questions.
It is our last week of swimming on Wednesday morning, please ensure your child has a swimming costume, towel and goggles, plus a swimming hat if required. As the weather is turning please ensure your child brings a coat as they may be cold on the way back.
Every week, your child will read at least twice in a guided reading sessions. Home reading diaries will not be stamped on these occasions. Lots of reading certificates handed out this week, please continue supporting your child at home with their reading.
Christingle Date - Tuesday 17th December St Andrews Church 5.15pm arrival.
Numbot Champion w/e 25th November
Ist Darci
2nd Lola-Rose
3rd Ada G
Week Beginning 25th November
This week we will use our knowledge of phonemes to look at spelling rules for 'ar' (father), 'air' (there, pear and bare), 'or' (all, four and caught), 'ur' (learn and word), oo' (could and put), 'ai' (day and came), 'ee' (sea, these, happy chief and key) and the graphemes that represent these.
In maths we will be continuing column addition with adding two digit numbers to another two digit number.
In literacy we will be planning and writing our own instructions.
Swimming will continue on Wednesday morning, please ensure your child has a swimming costume, towel and goggles, plus a swimming hat if required. As the weather is turning please ensure your child brings a coat as they may be cold on the way back.
Every week, your child will read at least twice in a guided reading sessions. Home reading diaries will not be stamped on these occasions. Lots of reading certificates handed out this week, please continue supporting your child at home with their reading.
Christingle Date - Tuesday 17th December St Andrews Church
Numbot Champion w/e 18th November
Ist Kayvon
2nd Lola-Rose
3rd Freddie
Week Beginning 18th November
This week we will use our knowledge of phonemes to look at spelling rules for 'j' (fudge), 'm' (lamb), 'n' (gnat and knit), 'r' (wrap), 's' (listen), 'z' (please), 'u' (some and other) and the graphemes that represent these.
In maths we will be starting to look at column addition beginning with adding ones with a two digit number not crossing the tens.
In literacy we will be planning and writing our own finding narrative independently.
Swimming will continue on Wednesday morning, please ensure your child has a swimming costume, towel and goggles, plus a swimming hat if required. As the weather is turning please ensure your child brings a coat as they may be cold on the way back.
Every week, your child will read at least twice in a guided reading sessions. Home reading diaries will not be stamped on these occasions. Lots of reading certificates handed out this week, please continue supporting your child at home with their reading.
Christingle Date - Tuesday 17th December St Andrews Church
8th November - Numbot Champions
3rd - Lola-Rose
2nd - Evelyn
1st - Oakley
Week Beginning 11th November
This week we will use our knowledge of phonemes to look at spelling rules for 'y (by, gym, very) ch (school, chef) c (cell) g (gent) ey (they) and the graphemes that represent these.
In maths we will be comparing numbers and calculating the difference.
In literacy we will be looking at how the story of The Bog Baby is structured, getting ready to write our own finding narrative independently.
Swimming will continue on Wednesday morning, please ensure your child has a swimming costume, towel and goggles, plus a swimming hat if required. As the weather is turning please ensure your child brings a coat as they may be cold on the way back.
Every week, your child will read at least twice in a guided reading sessions. Home reading diaries will not be stamped on these occasions. Lots of reading certificates handed out this week, please continue supporting your child at home with their reading.
8th November - Numbot Champions
3rd - Darcie
2nd - Evelyn
1st - Lola-Rose
Week Beginning 14th October
This week we will use our knowledge of phonemes to look at spelling rules for 'a (was), e (he), i (mind), o (no), u (unit) and the different graphemes that represent these.
In maths we will continue to explore the composition of number understanding that we can add multiple addends in any order as well as exploring the most efficient way (using number bonds.)
In literacy we will be creating wanted posters based on their independent traditional tale villain.
Swimming will continue on Wednesday morning, please ensure your child has a swimming costume, towel and goggles, plus a swimming hat if required. As the weather is turning please ensure your child brings a coat as they may be cold on the way back.
Every week, your child will read at least twice in a guided reading sessions. Home reading diaries will not be stamped on these occasions. Lots of reading certificates handed out this week, please continue supporting your child at home with their reading.
11th October - Numbot Champions
3rd - Evelyn
2nd - Oakley
1st - Lola-Rose
Week Beginning 7th September
This week we will use our knowledge of phonemes to look at spelling rules for 'ee, igh, oa , oo and ue' and the different graphemes that represent these.
In maths we will continue to explore the composition of two digit numbers and locate them using a number line.
In literacy we will use our grammatical and story knowledge of Jack and the beanstalk to plan and write our very own version of a traditional tale.
Swimming will continue on Wednesday morning, please ensure your child has a swimming costume, towel and goggles, plus a swimming hat if required. As the weather is turning please ensure your child brings a coat as they may be cold on the way back.
Every week, your child will read at least twice in a guided reading sessions. Home reading diaries will not be stamped on these occasions. Lots of reading certificates handed out this week, please continue supporting your child at home with their reading.
27th September - Numbot Champions
3rd - William
2nd - Oakley
1st - Lola-Rose
Week Beginning 30th September
This week we will finish Phase 5C which looks at adjacent consonants and some Year 1 National Curriculum requirements; alternative spellings for each phoneme. We will be focusing on the phoneme sh represented by the graphemes s (sugar), and ch (chef). We will then begin spellings recap linked to phase 5 phonemes.
In maths we will begin to explore number 20-99, looking at different representations including thein placement on a number line.
In literacy we will finish off their own adapted version of Jack and the beanstalk, using the knowledge of the story, sentences structures and vocabulary explored to plan their own traditional style story.
Swimming will continue on Wednesday morning, please ensure your child has a swimming costume, towel and goggles, plus a swimming hat if required. As the weather is turning please ensure your child brings a coat as they may be cold on the way back.
Lots of reading certificates handed out this week, please continue supporting your child at home with their reading.
27th September - Numbot Champions
3rd - William
2nd - Michael-Junior
1st - Lola-Rose
In Year 2 this week:
Week Beginning 23rd September
This week we will be continuing Phase 5C which looks at adjacent consonants and some Year 1 National Curriculum requirements; alternative spellings for each phoneme. We will be focusing on the phoneme /oo (June) / oo (tune) represented by the graphemes ie, u-e, ew, ue,
In maths we are continuing our understanding of multiples of ten.
- adding and subtracting multiples of 10
In literacy we will continue exploring the traditional tale - Jack and the Beanstalk. The children will use their knowledge of the story to explore the sentence structures and vocabulary. They will use this to begin writing their own adapted version of Jack and the beanstalk.
After a fantastic first week, swimming will continue on Wednesday morning, please ensure your child has a swimming costume, towel and goggles, plus a swimming hat if required. As the weather is turning please ensure your child brings a coat as they may be cold on the way back.
A reminder our PE session is on Friday afternoon, please make sure your child has the correct PE in school with trainers/daps that fit.
Lots of reading certificates handed out last week, please continue supporting your child at home with their reading.
13th September - Numbot Champions
3rd - Noah
2nd - Lola-Rose
1st - Oakley
In Year 2 this week:
Week Beginning 16th September
This week we will be continuing Phase 5C which looks at adjacent consonants and some Year 1 National Curriculum requirements.
alternative spellings for each phoneme. We will be focusing on the phoneme /igh/ represented by the graphemes ie, y and i-e
In maths we are continuing our understanding of multiples of ten.
- estimating on number lines
- adding and subtracting multiples of 10
In literacy we have begun exploring the traditional tale - Jack and the Beanstalk. The children having been learning an adapted version in class, why not ask your child to retell it for you! During this week we will continue to explore story looking at adjectives used to describe both the characters and settings and retelling it through puppetry.
This week swimming begins on Wednesday morning, please ensure your child has a swimming costume, towel and goggles, plus a swimming hat if required. As the weather is turning please ensure your child brings a coat as they may be cold on the way back.
A reminder our PE session is on Friday afternoon, please make sure your child has the correct PE in school with trainers/daps that fit.
Please see the letter regarding reading books and home reading.
13th September - Numbot Champions
3rd - Noah
2nd - Vanessa
1st - Evelyn
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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